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Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Pains of Being a Teenager

Growing up was never a too pleasant experience. Although, not as bad as that of some other people. The truth remains that, life will not always give you what you want except you go all out for it.

I have a burden for the younger generation i.e. teenagers and young adults. I am still young too…laughs. Any opportunity to pass across or share some of the lessons life has taught me is a golden one and I do not joke with it neither do I take it for granted.

I have had a number of opportunities to speak and pass across my message, through different platforms. In doing this, I have made a lot of friends with teenagers and exchanged ideas and experiences with them. Along the line, my attention has been drawn to a number of challenges they face and battle with, some of which their parents don’t know about. These challenges include emotional, physical, academic, financial, material, psychological to mention a few.

The challenges are similar to what I experienced while I was a teenager. Unfortunately, the level of effectiveness of many teenagers have been affected by these challenges and pains except for the lucky ones who are surrounded by people that are concerned and God-hearted.

Recently, I had a discussion with one of my teenage friends and as we discussed, she recalled the emotional trail she went through when her parents divorced…she was still in secondary school when this happened. It was a trying time for her. According to her, it was as if God had abandoned her. Every aspect of her life felt the pain.

I understand to a great extent what she felt back then. Experiences like this results to depression and often time, the thought of committing suicide is just around the corner.

This is just the beginning of another series…please follow closely, as I share with you what I have learnt in my journey with the teenagers and young adults so as to be positioned to lend a helping hand to someone.
To be continued!! 


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