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Thursday, September 26, 2013


To be born with silver spoon in one’s mouth means to be born into wealth, into a successful and well doing family. There is a popular saying that goes thus, “everyone is not born with a silver spoon.” This has been the excuse for the failure of a lot of people and the excuse a lot more will still give as been responsible for their ineffectiveness and unproductive living.

I believe that everyone has at least a silver spoon. Every human, regardless of the age, race and gender has at least one silver spoon. All that is required from your end is to task your initiative, put your mind to work, ask your Creator to open your eyes to see.

My definition of silver spoon:

·         That special ability you have

·         It is your talent

·         A silver spoon is a point of leverage

·         It is not the wealth in social status but what makes you to become who you were created to be.

Everyone has a silver spoon. The question is what is your silver spoon? What is that special ability you’ve got, that thing that makes you unique. What is your selling point?

If you are not born with a silver spoon in your mouth, create one with your mind (investment mentality) and your hand (hard work) because nobody really came into this world with spoons in their mouth.

Olumide Emmanuel (MD Common Sense Group)

As far as I am concerned, the One who created you has given you what you need to become that person you saw in your Dream (if you have one). The sharpness of your mind is required to see that great Future your Creator has prepared ahead of you.

I challenge you, Dare to Dream and much more, make your dream a reality then you would have made for yourself “a customized silver spoon.” See you at the top!


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