The desire to succeed is an
indication that you can succeed but, the desire to succeed is not enough just
as the trafficator is not enough, until you turn the steering wheel, then your
car turns. There are vital characteristics or attributes that are synonymous
with successful people. Regardless of
the field you are, these factors are crucial.
- Passion: To succeed at something, you have to be passionate about it. Passion is the fuel of any vision. People who have excelled in various fields or endeavors have done so because they were or are passionate about what they do. So, add passion to that desire!
- Visionary: Successful people are visionary people, they are not just the “now” people, they are people driven by vision and purpose. They are not content with little success, they want more successes under their belt. They are not satisfied with breaking one record, they want to break more records.
- Be committed to personal Development: To get the best out of your life, the place of personal development should not be handled with levity or lackadaisical attitude. David Oyedepo says, “Leaders are readers”, read, attend seminars, get more qualifications, train more etc. What keeps a person relevant is his wealth of knowledge or expertise and how well he has been able to keep himself up to date with the happenings in his field.
- Circle of influence: The company you keep matters a lot. A Nigerian proverb says, “a sheep that walks in the company of dogs will eat feces.” And the bible puts it this way, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm.” The people you surround yourself with tells if you would to succeed or not.
- Humility: Having a big dream or vision is not an excuse to disrespect people or treat them disdainfully. Everyone is important because we’re all created and made in the image and likeness of God. Although, some might have missed it through their actions, decisions and choices. We are only made and wired differently. No one is superior to the other. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Be humble and be always willing to learn, no one is too old or too young to learn.

6. Endurance: one of the most powerful words I have gotten from my father and teacher is, “challenges are the breakfast of champions.” To be a successful person, you must be willing to endure. To become a more successful person, you must be an enduring person. Champions are made out of challenges. One of my favorite bible verses says, “blessed is the man that endures trials, at the end he will receive a crown which God has promised those who love him.” Don’t give up because you feel like, the race is not over until the tape is breasted. A true champion does not quit, champions are called so because they are winners and not quitters.
Adeniran B.
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