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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Friends of Benefit (You)-part 3

This category or part three of a series titled “friends of benefit” focuses on the role an individual has to play i.e. you are supposed to be a friend to yourself. How will you love your friend when you don’t even Love yourself? Whatever you do to others is a reflection of what and who you are to yourself.

At times I feel like throwing in the towel due to challenges, discouragement, unyielding efforts etc. but in as much as I feel like, I refuse to. Instead I give myself some pep talks and see myself spurring on and daring to achieve more. If I fail to motivate myself, it means I don’t love myself and nothing will motivate me.

The truth is, there are no supermen but men with super attitude. Every successful person you see or read about today did not become successful/notable because they did not face any challenge but because they had a healthy attitude towards those trying and challenging periods knowing that - Life is filled with ups and downs.

It begins with you!

Personal motivation is very important for anyone who wants to go far because, motivation from external sources may go on strike at times and you’ll be left On Your Own (OYO). 

The place of personal motivation is very crucial. You have to be self- motivated before you can be motivated i.e. you can’t be motivated by any other person if you are not self-motivated. Whenever, I am down and feel like quitting, I psyche myself up.

“it is what the bird feeds on that helps it to fly”.

What you “feed” on matters a lot. The importance of what you surround yourself with can never be over accentuated- they determine your attitude and reaction towards challenges. What you surround yourself with tells if you are a friend of benefit to yourself or not.

People- Always ensure that those who you mingle with are people who believe in you and can motivate you when you need some motivation. Anyone who does not believe in you may not be able to motivate/inspire you, especially when you need it most. Relational wealth is very important. This is what has helped me/still helping me. Surround yourself with people who will look you in the face and tell you whenever you’re missing it.

Materials- Books, CDs, Seminars and some other resource materials are things you should not joke with if you truly you want to be a friend of benefit to yourself and others. An African proverb says, “it is what the bird feeds on that helps it to fly”. What you have read, watched or listened to could just be what will help you out during that challenging time.

The God factor- Regardless of your belief, I want you to know that there is an INVISIBLE FACTOR that controls the physical.  My favorite book says- the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
Thanks for your time. Please click the link below to read the previous series here= http://dkingzpen.blogspot.com/2013/07/friends-of-benefit-part-1.html

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