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Friday, March 29, 2013

Make That Dream Live

 A dream is something that somebody hopes, longs, an ambition, that is usually something difficult to attain or far removed from present circumstances
The fact that you've got your Dream is not an excuse for you to exempt yourself from the success or realization of another man's dream. Being a part of another man's dream makes the realization/fulfillment of your dream faster and easier. Savor every opportunity that presents itself to you to be a part of another man's dream(s), keep your dream alive and reach out to another man's dream. Partaking in another man's dream has a lot to offer you than you've ever thought of.
 One important thing is that, it empowers you and broadens your heart. Helping another man make his dream a reality gives you the opportunity to learn more and it exposes you to ideas that would aid the making of your dream a reality (faster).
Besides, there's this inner joy that comes from deep within when you are a part of another man's success. Remember, the best of life is that which is lived investing in other people's life.
Another benefit of being a part of another person's dream is that it attracts and makes others want to help in making your Dream a reality. As the law of sowing and reaping also applies in this case 'what you sow, you'll surely reap'.
However, don’t be contented with just helping in making others dreams a reality; also strive to make your own dream a reality. A friend of mine said, “If you don’t plan your life, other people will use you to service their plans”, don’t just stop at helping others-help yourself too. There’s nothing wrong with you having your dreams. The truth is, if you could help in making someone else’s dream a reality then, your dream should not be a mirage. 
In as much as there’s joy in helping and making another man’s dream a reality, there’s greater joy when your dream sees the light of day and it gives you a lot of psychological strength and self belief to move forward and achieve greater feat.
For me it is always overwhelming when I put smiles on people’s faces, by contributing my little quota in making their dreams come through. But it gives me greater joy and an awesome sense of satisfaction and relief when I see my dreams and desires come through. And it helps me to go for more.
I must say at this point that helping or lending a hand to other peoples dream can come in different ways that is, it does not have to be monetary, it could be a word of encouragement, providing a listening ear, giving a word of advice etc. you can be a part of another person’s dream in any way in as much as your contribution aids the fulfillment of that person’s dream.
Recently, a friend of mine needed to embark on a project, although I couldn’t make myself available physically but I gave words of encouragement and advice which helped to a large extent and I was so happy when she told me that the project was completed and not just that but also on the stipulated date.
Dear friend and reader, never underestimate the power of a word, a listening ear and a smile they could be all that would make the difference. Do all you can to make someone’s dream a reality.   

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